Write now: Just the Facts, Mostly


Image result for just the facts meme

Let me start by saying I don’t have enough time to write or read these days. This is the bottom line, so I’m going to cut to the chase.


I have been using what time and mental energy I have this past week working on my first blog post for the non-profit I work for. I just submitted it to our Executive Director today. This is a gamble for me as I haven’t worked for her for too long a time so I don’t have a good read on how she will respond to it: aka if it’s good enough to be published on our website.

But it’s not in my hands anymore so I’m going to do my best to just let. it. be.

Hubs and I will be leaving soon to spend a few days in Minnesota with my side of the family. First “activity” on the agenda upon our arrival is to attend the burial of my mom’s ashes at the cemetery. It felt so weird to write that sentence. Mom passed back in late February. I’ve accepted this. Yet this will be the first time since that we’ve gone back to my hometown. Suffice it to say I’m feeling emotional about it. Unsettled.

On the up side, I am thoroughly enjoying the companionship of our new pup, Radar. He’s so very smart and is now doing very well at our weekly obedience training sessions (likely because they are being conducted on a one-on-one basis with the trainer). I’m anticipating missing the hell out of this mutt while we are away. And anxious about how he’ll do amongst the other dogs where he’ll be boarded.

Crazy mutt!


Summer is nearly half over. I can hardly believe it. It’s truly been great so far however, for which I am grateful. We have many activities to look forward to between now and the end of August. The one I am probably most looking forward to is the Wisconsin cabin getaway, where we’ll be bunking with my in laws, my sister in law, and our beautiful, smart, curious, funny, delightful 5 year old grandson. There’s a couple of concerts and a visit here in Colorado with Spawn #2 in the mix as well.

I could say that due to all this busyness the frequency of my blog posts may decrease. I don’t intend for that to be the case, and in fact my fear that this blog will suffer as a result of blogging for my work website, may very well ensure that I will indeed continue to publish a post each and every week.

Often, as a matter of fact, because I have so much I want to write about on this blog, I can envision increasing my posts to twice weekly.

But…time. Right? There never seems to be enough of that stuff.

That is precisely why this particular post is not being posted today, which is Wednesday (my usual time slot). I’m aiming for a post next Wednesday where I will share in more detail where my head is at regarding writing/blogging. Hint: it’s all over the fucking place.

Image result for picture of turtle and squirrel

My draft folder has 18 sorta started blog posts at the moment. Makes me wish I could take a whole day (or 5 or 8) to go into “boss bitch” mode and edit the crap out of it. I would feel so much more settled if I could somehow make that happen.

Maybe this time when I’m on vacation, I will actually use the chromebook instead of just slugging it from airport to airport, to the motel and to my sister’s house. Now that’s an idea. One of so, so, so many.

I hope you all hang in there with me.

In the meantime, enjoy a little flashback in time from my teenage years!




4 thoughts on “Write now: Just the Facts, Mostly”

  1. Ah man, we’re leaving in a couple days for Iowa or we could have arranged a meet-up — if only there was time, right?!
    Don’t worry about us, we’ll stay right here until you’re back and running. 🙂


  2. Dang, Rhonda! You’ve got a bunch going on!

    I’m with you that it’s weird when you go back to bury ashes and it’s been awhile. We did that with my mom. Ripped that wound right open all over again. I’ll be thinking about you while you’re away and hope you handle yourself better than I did.

    I’m excited for your first blog post for the np. Let us know how that goes!

    Also, Radar is such a cutie pie. Another blogger friend at Comically Quirky recently posted about her similar situation to yours, like in the past week or so. What’s interesting is that as she’s needed to breathe and yet wanted to maintain her blog, she let her dog Jett kind of take center stage. Jett’s done a marvelous job of helping her with her blog. So on those days when you simply can’t write a full post, you might consider letting Radar assist you. Just a thought. I think he’s fully up to it. And it’s worked really well for Comically Quirky.

    I’m jealous — you have 18 posts in various stages of development? Wow. How do you do that? You don’t have to answer that right now. I know you’re super busy!


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    1. Thanks for your comments Mona! We are back from our trip to Minnesota. It was great! I do intend to publish posts about Radar; in fact one of the now 15 draft posts (I did some editing this weekend-yay for me!) is titled “The Radar Diaries”. There’s plenty of fodder with this dog! As far as my blogging for my work website-we’ll see. I submitted a post and was told that it wasn’t exactly what they were looking for. This is going to be a process.

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