
Recently, I attended a work conference where we were directed to pick a name from a bowl, then find the person with that name over the course of the conference. We were told to introduce ourselves to our person and share with them what our “superpower” was.

Much internal debate ensued about if the “superpower” was supposed to be directly related to our roles in our workplaces. I landed on that I was “really good” with names and numbers. In that, I believe my brain retains them better than the average bear.

The person who had my name (Lacey) said that is her superpower too, adding that she had a “photographic memory”. Me too, I said. Of course, as I’m returning to my seat, my anxious brain started asking questions about that. Do I really have a “photographic memory”? Was that too much for me to claim? So of course I googled the term and came to the conclusion that no, that is not something I have.

Per photographic memory


an unusual ability to remember things completely and exactly as they were seen, read, etc.

I am good with names and numbers, though. At least 95% of the time, after having met someone once, then seeing them again, say two months later, I will remember their name. And when it comes to numbers, my brain is so weird. I don’t consider myself good at math, but I tell you, I remember dates and phone numbers.

For instance, I can tell you that one of my best friends in middle school, the curly-headed SueEllen, celebrates her birthday on June 5th. I can remember that the landline phone number I had, 20-some odd years ago, was 894-8447. I’m enamored with the number 8, as I’ve written about muchly over the years on this blog. I notice the number 8 everywhere I go; perhaps I’m searching for it subconsiously because it’s the one number that appears over and over again for me when good things happen. Who knows with these things.

I don’t think it’s a stretch either for me to say that you’d be a fool to not include me on your trivia team.

What’s your superpower?

Perhaps you could ponder that question while you enjoy today’s musical offering.

6 thoughts on “Superpowers”

  1. My dad, a genius [for real], had a photographic memory. He’d talk about how in his mind he’d be seeing textbook pages from college courses he took decades before.

    My superpower is finding solutions to problems. Not that all my solutions are well-received but they are solutions. 🤷‍♀️

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    1. Wow! Brains are so interesting aren’t they? I like your superpower! I think I have a bit of that too, having been a case manager, then a social worker, and a mom and grandma 🙂

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  2. First off, I don’t like ice breakers like this, though this was didn’t sound so bad. I remember attending one where the presenter asked us to get into a group with three other strangers and tell everyone what kind of car we were. There was pretty much a collective, huh? in the room. Speakers sometimes think stuff like this encourages people to talk when in reality it makes things super awkward.

    I find it curious why we can recall certain things from long ago that just stick with us while not recalling things that just happened. I remember my license plate to my first vehicle, but I couldn’t tell you what my current one is. For some reason, I memorized my driver’s license number, though how often do we actually need that?

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